Twelve Moments in Anime 2009: #6 – Mii-chan makes a beeline

CCY has thrown down his Twelve Moments of Anime gauntlet, inviting others to join him everyday until Christmas in recalling their 12 favorite anime-related things of the year. Continuing the countdown with moment #6 comes from one of my favorite shows of the season, Sora no Manimani.

Mii-chan spots a bogey at 6 o'clock

When was the exact moment where I found myself smitted with Mii-chan and the rest of the Sora no Manimani gang? Was it the liberal and excellent use of chibi forms? Was it the dual entendre classroom misunderstandings between Mii-chan and Saku? Was it Fluffy-chan’s snap, crackle, poof hair? Nope, it was actually the first moments where Mii-chan first spots Saku and makes a bee-line for him, chasing after him like a runaway airplane with her arms wide open, hearts aflutter, before she pins him down with a flying straddle. I don’t know what it is about that airplane run, but it sucked me in instantly. Maybe it’s the innocence, maybe it’s the carefreeness, or maybe it’s just the comedy of it. Whatever it is, it was irresistibly attractive, and the perfect symbol for why I couldn’t say no to this show.

For more 12 moments/days reading check out the lineup: otou-san, schneider, doctordazza, Gargron, Scamp, zaon47, kevo, rabbitpoets, drmchsr0, Pontifus, ghostlightning, 53RG10, Vii, Seinime, _ETERNAL, FuyuMaiden, Eater-of-All, Shinmaru, calaggie, yumeka, Nazarielle, Cuchlann, Jinx, Janette, stringedsonata, animewriter, Kairu, Nadekoism.

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