Minami-ke Okaeri, Episode 3 – A girl and her pudding

A story of girls and their puddings. This will be an indie hit one day.

Part 1: Touma’s Pudding Pilfery

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Touma looked kawaii in the opening scene. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look so girly as she did when she waltzed into her house so gleefully, anticipating that sweet pudding goodness from that store at the corner, in front of the station. Unfortunately, she comes home to find her pudding missing from the fridge. Banchou bro Natsuki walks in, scooping the pudding then proceeds to DROP THE PUDDING!!! To pudding connoisseurs, that’s like stealing the Mona Lisa, then proceeding to draw some doodles on it with crayola crayons. She runs away from home to the other Minami’s house. But it turns out they have a pudding crisis as well. Too many girls, too few puddings.

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But just before bloody carnage ensues, underappreciated uncle Takeru shows up to save the day. +1 person +3 puddings = pudding for all!

Part 2: The Baked Apple Homocide

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Poor Uchida. I sort of felt bad for her, as her her apple-centric kindness is trampled upon. Uchida brings some countryside apples over to the Minamis, but Haruka and Chiaki respond strangely. When Kana goes to the bathroom, warning her not to look in the box by the corner, well that’s how horror movies get started.


And not surprisingly, horror ensues. Kana walks in, of course, right as Uchida is looking into the box.


And then BAM. Minami-ke takes a turn for the homicidal.

Part 3: Curry Sweets?


This was probably my favorite of the short scenes, as you get some Bachou-a-Banchou quality time, as maestro Haruka tries to teach Natsuki how to make sweets, and Kana and Chiaki try to cook some curry for dinner. Unfortunately, Kana gets some of Haruka’s directions mixed in and Natsuki gets some of Chiaki and Kana’s directions mixed in, and in the end you get curry-flavored sweets, and sweetened curry as the final result. This should’ve been a job for Curry Angel Hosaka.

Part 4: Touma’s Pudding Pilfery: Redux

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Natsuki steals Touma’s pudding again, although this time it may not have been his part. I did like how Natsuki’s efforts to weasel out of the blame and then how he tosses his brothers aside with a flick of a wrist for trying to get him to apologize to Touma for stealing her pudding again. But the whole ending part, which I don’t know if you’d call it a play on words, or a pun, sort of fell flat.

While this ep wasn’t as funny as the last one (although who could compare to Hosaka), it was great to see the Minami brothers back. I want to see some more bachou-a-banchou action in the future… with a Hosaka twist. I did learn one very important lesson from this episode though: sweets are dangerous weapons and can make you do terrible, terrible things. Like so:


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